
Showing posts from February, 2018


6 SHORT FILMS - MICROELEMENTS SLAP - Nick Rowland Mise en scene: Use of mirrors - how the film addresses issues with identity. Connor seeing himself with makeup and boxing. public v private.  cracked mirror suggests how he cannot be himself and has difficulty seeing and expressing the real him to the people around him The posters of half-naked women in Connor's room are his symbolic beard to deceive his father into thinking he is a typical masculine/'macho' teenage boy. admiration of women's bodies and his desire to dress and look like a female.  Lighting: Simple and natural. In the party scene, the strong red light adds to the tension and impaired vision - confusion. anger, therefore conveying the frustration that Connor feels in that no one understands gloomy greenish lighting in the toilet at the party accentuates the shadows on Connor's face suggesting this is a dark place for him. isolated, alone and separate from society echoes Conno...