The final product on youtube:


Mia adjusting hair and clothes and talking to C behind camera

Crystal: You ready?

Mia: (puts paper down) Yeah.

C: (muffled speaking)

Mia glances at the camera CUT - she’s facing camera in same place

C: So. How did you and Leo meet?

M: Well.. (thinking and looks up at C) it-

C: (whispers) Remember to talk to the camera

M: oh, yeah. (turns to the camera) It was about two years ago. We were all at the park and I knew one of his friends-

CUT to the memory when they met in park

M V: We started hanging out as a group

Mia turns. Then CUT to tracking of group of boys and close up of Leo

Boy laughing then laughter fades into smile

Mia: I was closest with him out of all our friends. We had a similar sense of humour so it was inevitable.

CUT to group of girls and close up of Mia. She looks directly at him and smiles.

CUT back to interview.

C: So when did things get (giggles) more than friends?

M: We were at a party and he had a bit to drink and-  

C: (sarcastic coughing)

M: We both had a bit to drink.

CUT to him sitting on steps outside house at night

M V: - I went out for some air and I saw him sitting on the steps.

Mia comes through the door. Sees Leo and sits down next to him
M V: He was alone (laughs)(stalling)I don’t remember why but I guess I was alone too. You know, we just needed air...
We had never been alone together. You know. Just us two.
Beat and CUT/CUT
And suddenly we had been talking for hours.
With him, it felt comfortable and the conversation was endless.
I know it’s so wet and cliche but I felt like I was in a rom com. He made me feel like it had always been just us two.

CUT Back to interview

M V: After that night we started going out. Ya girl caught feelings.

C: How long were together for?

M: Maybe (more seriously) a year and a half? (looks up)


C: Anyway. Shall we go on?

M: Uh (gulps) Yeah.. so I just talk..and?

C: Yeah. Whenever you’re ready.

M: Sorry, I just..

C: We can take a break, if you need a minute.

Mia nods and gets up


Mia infront of camera at the interview

C: You can say anything you wanted him to know.


Mia: (exhales-sigh) (picks up the card)
Okay. I’m ready.


You’re always on my mind because-

You showed me what it is to be human

CUT to memory

To laugh for days over the smallest things


To find beauty in places I hadn’t even looked before.

You gave me some good times.

And I can never thank you enough.

One second we were strangers and the next I felt myself falling.


In love.

But there were bad times too


So when I came to you with tears you turned my crying into conversation.


Your presence was worth more than a million words


My mum told me people like you don’t come around often

She told me to hold onto you and if I could just see you one more time


But you’re gone.


And you’re always on my mind


I’m trying to move on


M: (gathering herself then look at camera) you would have been 18 today.


Camera slowly shifts to sky and sun OR Mia in interview

M: Happy birthday.

(Cut to memory of Mia and Leo)





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